Growing Kids Events
Building A Strong Community in the Classroom and Beyond
At Growing Kids Learning Centers, we believe that building a strong community within and beyond the classroom benefits young children. We look for opportunities to strengthen the social and emotional bonds children have with their classmates, their families, and the community. Our big seasonal events, classroom parties, and invited speakers play a big part in that. It’s also a lot of fun and creates many wonderful memories.
Exciting Annual Events That Bring Us All Together!
We Hold Four Main Events Every Year For You To Celebrate With Friends And Family!
In addition to classroom parties, Growing Kids has four school wide events throughout the year. Family and friends are invited to join the entire school community for a great time. We celebrate these events to strengthen the children’s connection between home and school. In addition, it’s a lot of fun and creates great childhood memories.
Christmas Program
This is a very special event held off site to accommodate all the families and their guests. Parents enjoy watching their children perform several Christmas songs and finger plays. They also enjoy a holiday slide show that includes pictures of all the children engaged in many different activities, as well as pictures of the various parties and celebrations the children have enjoyed over the past several months at Growing Kids.