The one word to describe Growing Kids is Family…

The Garber Family

The one word to describe Growing Kids is Family.  We consider them our family. We started attending Growing Kids when our oldest daughter was 1 years old.  I was a first time mom heading back to teaching and was torn over putting my daughter in daycare or staying home.  The decision to put her into Growing Kids completely changed our lives for the best!  Sydney has grown in so many ways.  She is independent, kind, smart, disciplined, and enjoys spending time away from home!  I contribute each of those characteristics to her teachers at Growing Kids.

When we found out we were expecting our second little girl, having her attend Growing Kids was a definite!  Katheryn was only 4 months old when she started Growing Kids.  The love, attention, hugs, and schedule she experiences each and everyday is amazing.

We tell everyone parent we know how much we love Growing Kids.  They are a blessing to our family.

- The Garber Family

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That Sets Your Child Up For Success!