Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety for Child Care Drop Off


Many toddlers and preschoolers experience separation anxiety any time they are away from their parents. This is understandable since they rely on their parents to fulfill their every need. Growing Kids Learning Center is a child care center with locations in Goshen, Plymouth, and Warsaw. Below, we’ll offer tips to help your child overcome separation anxiety when you drop them off at our child care center. Schedule a tour today!

Create a Good-Bye Ritual

Young children thrive on routine, so when you craft a good-bye ritual, which is the doing the same actions every day, your child can feel more comfortable. One ritual may be walking your child up to the school, kissing them good-bye, and then leaving.

Make the Morning Non-Stressful

When you are running around, trying to get your child ready for child care and grabbing this and that and then running back into the house because you forgot something, your child feels your stress. Try to do everything possible at night to be ready for the next day in order to decrease any morning stress you and your child may be feeling.

Tell Your Child Where You Will Be and That You’ll Be Back

Many children want reassurance that you’ll be back soon. Since toddlers and preschoolers have a hard time processing time, it can be helpful to use activities that they can relate to. For example, saying, “I’ll be back when you have your reading time,” gives kids a concrete and definitive time they can look forward to.

Security Objects Can Help

Children often latch onto security objects, such as a favorite teddy bear or blanket, in lieu of you. This can be a good thing in order to help your child overcome separation anxiety. Try designating an object that they only have when they go to their child care center that can help them get through the day till they see you again.


Growing Kids Learning Center is here to offer you support. We offer exceptional infant, toddler, and preschool care for your child. Contract one of our locations in Goshen, Plymouth, and Warsaw for enrollment information today.


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